Saturday, March 16, 2013

St Patrick's Day Sensory Bin

St Patrick's Day is soon approaching so i thought it was a good opportunity to teach my daughter about the color Green. She cant recognize her colors yet..i am working on it. Whenever you ask her about a color she says its blue.I try not to compare her with other kids who all know the the colors of the rainbow:)
Anyway..teaching about the color Green with a St Patrick's Day Sensory Bin.
I started by showing her a green crayon and cucumber and asked her to help me find things around the house that match their color..she wasn't interested much. She just walked with me and watched while i gathered all the green stuff.
We collected it all in a pan (i have to get a suitable plastic box for these activities..its on my list) and we were all set for the activity.

I used some green split lentils, green glass beads, plastic cookie cutters, green cup, spoons, soft pretend vegetables and a green painted bottle which was part of her birthday craft.

She started by using a spoon to put lentils in the glass.

Then she used the spoon to put lentils in the bottle.

 She then wanted to fill the glass by putting lentils in the bottle cap and then putting them in the glass.

After this she wanted to explore with her hands and you can see that she removed everything from the pan one by one..the beads the alphabets. She just wanted to play with the lentils.

After playing with them for a long time..she discovered another game..rolling of the beads.

We spent a good half an hour with this activity which was great. We will be doing some more sensory bins soon..till then..bye!

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